
In this clip from "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," Mr. Smith faces many basketfuls of phony lies against him. For the past 23 hours, he has been continually talking in Congress with the hopes of winning this "Lost Cause" for the good of the people. The reason why he takes such a stand is because he has identified corruption within the Congress, and he wants to fight for what is good. Unfortunately, Mr. Smith faces unparalleled resistance. This is precisely like how the Bible says: "19 And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil" (John 3:19). It is an unfortunate fact that this good man should face such controversy. Because this movie was an exaggeration of what goes on in Washington, we need to realize that there really are good people fighting for causes as this man is. Because they are fighting so hard, we need to stand up for them. We need to show the good men and women in Washington that we support them. In addition to that, we need to contact our Representatives and let them know when they are making decisions that are contrary to what Christ would want. To give young men like Mr. Smith strength, the most we can do for them is to fervently pray. Prayer will prove to be the most effective mode of keeping America on the right road.

 The following clip is the trailer to "Amazing Grace." This film is the story of how William Wilberforce (1759-1833) fought against unimaginable opposition in hopes of ending the slave trade in England. At this point in time, slavery was very common and few people thought much of its concequences. William fought for a long time to end the slave trade in England. He came up against great adversity. This is a true story.

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