I would like to apologize to anyone who may be following this website for not keeping it up to date lately. Life has been so busy! My school is so demanding! At any rate, I would like to say two things:
  1. If you are actually following this website, please let me know via email
  2. There are many things going on in the world today (Haiti, Healthcare, Abortion, Global Warming, Anti-Americanism, Atheism, and many other issues). I would like to encourage you to keep up to date on the news. Then, you need to reflect upon the issue from a Christian point of view. Once you have arived at a Biblical conclusion regarding the issue, talk to people about it! Get others thinking about it!

Tomorrow is Obama's State of the Union Address. Please listen to it tomorrow. Please reflect upon what he has to say. Please pray about it. And then, after you have done all this, please write to your senator with any concerns. Pray for America! Pray that God would take His hand and transform America to what it ought to be!

If I don't post anything for a while, I am sorry. Life is just too busy to keep up a blog on a regular basis. If, however, you would like to keep updated with this blog for when I do update it, then I think that you can hit the RSS feed button at the bottem right of this page. Thanks for reading!